Profile of Directors
Wood Furniture
Appointed as the Executive Director on 30 November 2003 and resigned on 26 October 2010. He was subsequently appointed as the Deputy Executive Chairman on 23 December 2015 and redesignated as Executive Chairman on 16 November 2016. He is also one of the founder of the group. He graduated from Bolton University in Business Management majoring in Accounting. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Ireland and fellow member of Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries. He is awarded with a Doctorate of Industry by public university, University Sains Malaysia. He has over 38 years of working experience in the fields of auditing, accounting and corporate finance. He sits on the Board of EKA Noodles Berhad (as a Non Independent Non Executive Chairman) and Muar Ban Lee Group Berhad (as an Executive Director), which are listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Secutities Berhad. He was the Executive Director of Pensonic Holdings Berhad from September 1995 to October 2017. He also sits on the board of several other private limited companies. He has no family relationship with any other Director or major shareholder of the Company, exclude as disclosed in Analysis of Shareholdings.
Appointed as Deputy Managing Director on 3rd July 2017. He is a co-founder and the Managing Director of Ee-Lian Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd. He began his career as a Factory Worker when he was 19 years old after completing his Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) from Chung Ling High School in 1978. In 1985, he became a Salesman when he joined Union Trading Company which was principally involved in the trading of motor accessories and helmets. He was responsible for the companys sales and marketing development and coordination activities in Malaysia. In 1987, he joined Gold Liloy Trading Sdn Bhd, a plastic manufacturer and marketing company as a Senior Salesman, where he managed and built business relationships with the companys customers in major cities across Malaysia. From many years of sales experiences and knowledge gained from his previous employment, he foresaw a market potential in the Malaysian household plastic wares, where he co-founded Ee-Lian Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd in 1993 to be principally involved in the trading of household plastic ware products. He has over 25 years of experience in the household plastic wares industry.
Dato Chua joined as a foreman and assisted his father, Dato Chua Ah Ba @ Chua Eng Ka in 1995 and was subsequently promoted to Project Manager of Muar Ban Lee Engineering Sdn. Bhd. in 1997. With more than 28 years of experience in the design and manufacture of oil seed expellers, ancillary machinery and spare parts, he has steered Muar Ban Lee Engineering Sdn. Bhd. from a small-scale manufacturer to be one of the major manufacturers of oil seed expellers in Malaysia. He is responsible for the overall business planning, marketing, product development and brand building of the Group. He has participated in many international metal product trade fairs and exhibitions held overseas and locally. He also oversees the operation of SJP and Sokor Gemilang Ladang Sdn Bhd.
Dato Chua was appointed as the Group Managing Director of Muar Ban Lee Group Berhad on 30 June 2009.
He was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of SWS Capital Berhad on 23 December 2015 and resigned on 6 January 2021.
He was also appointed as the Executive Director of Symphony Life Berhad on 2 September 2021 and resigned on 28 April 2023.
Chua Kang Sing joined the production department in Muar Ban Lee Group Berhad as a machinist in grinding and machining department in the year 2011. He was also involved in inventory management and Production Coordinator. Subsequently, he was promoted to Assistant Factory Manager in 2014 to assist the Factory Manager in the supervision and operation of the production process. He has accumulated 10 years of experience in the engineering and palm oil industries. He is well-trained in the Company production process and possess extension, knowledge of oil seed expeller and other manufactured product. Since 2015, he has been promoted to Manager in the Costing and Quotation Department. He is responsible for reviewing and approving the product costing before quoting to the customers. Besides that, he was also involved in the Research and Development Department to enhance the product capacity and efficiency from time to time. He also oversees the group administration.
He was appointed as an Executive Director of Muar Ban Lee Group Berhad on 9 December 2020.
Dato Simon Toh is currently the Company Director of Tiger Mark Pte Ltd, with an annual revenue income of RM50 million. He was also co-running 2 consumer private limited businesses, BB First Wholesale Sdn. Bhd. and Dunia Cahaya Mata Sdn. Bhd. with an annual revenue income of RM3-7 million.
Dato Simon Toh started his entrepreneurship journey as a sole proprietor, since 2004. He ventured into the consumer businesses in KL.
He was also the director of Popeye Restaurant, Marina Island that brings in ranges of western food to the consumers who visited the island. In addition, he was also the director of the company that ran the pay pond fishing business to Marina Island. Dato Simon Toh is also the franchise owner of Yomi Yoghurt in Malaysia. He is also the Chairman of the non-profit Persatuan Penganut Karma Naedon Jangchub Ling Manjung Perak.
Ms. Koay Hooi Lynn began her career with Chartered Accountant firm, Koay Seng Leng & Co. ("KSL") as an Audit Assistant in year 1994 where she was involved with audit assurance work for several subsidiaries of Public Listed Company, palm oil plantation, manufacturing, trading, property developers, small medium enterprises. She was promoted to Audit Senior in year 1998 and joined tax division of the same firm in year 2000. She was involved in compliance work for corporate and personal tax submission, application for tax incentives, attend with tax audits, transfer pricing and related party transactions.
In 2008, she was seconded to overseas for short period to assist in casino company in preparing for pre-listing accounts to be listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Subsequently, she was promoted to Manager in KSL in year 2009 and responsible for overseeing financial, accounting, tax management and reporting functions of the clients. In 2013, she obtained an Audit License and become partner of KSL until now. She took over the operation of KSL which covers various industries such as manufacturing, trading, information technology, construction, property development, investment holdings companies and other service industries. She was involved in conducting internal audit and risk management of Public Listed Companies in year 2014.
On 24 August 2023, she was appointed as the lndependent and Non-Executive Director of Farlim Group (Malaysia) Berhad, a company listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
Peng Teng began her career in year 2007 as an audit assistant with Grant Thornton ("GT") in Kuala Lumpur, where she involved in the audit work mainly for public-listed conpanies. She gained a better exposure in different industries and she was promoted to the position of audit supervisor in year 2010.
She then left GT and joined Peter Chong & Co ("PCCO") in Penang as audit assistant manager in year 2010 and promoted to the position of audit manager in year 2012.
During her tenure with PCCO, she is responsible for overseeing accounting and auditing functions. She is the audit manager in charged for listed companies which has given her a better exposure to different kind of industries.
She left PCCO and joined BDO as audit manager in year 2014.
During her tenure in BDO, where she involved in the audit work mainly for public-listed companies, review of profit/cash flow forecast and preparations of accountant reports. The above assignments has given her a great exposure through out her career development.
She then left BDO after she becomes approved auditor licensed by Ministry of Finance in year 2016.
She joined PKF as audit partner in year 2016. During her tenure with PKF, she in-charged of Penang office. She is responsible for overseeing financial, accounting, tax management and reporting functions of the clients.
She is the auditor registered under Audit Oversight Board and audit partner in charged for companies listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Besides, she also involved in the high value services such as financial due diligence reviews, audit upon procedures ("AUP"), preparation of business plans, financial projections, business and share valuation and merger and acquisition.
Her career with the above international firms has given her invaluable experience in audit and assurance in different kind of industries, finance and tax matters, and she decided to leave her present position with PKF and start-up her own practice since year 2019.
During her own practice from year 2019 until now, her clientele consist of small and medium sized entities which covering various industries such as manufacturing, trading, information technology, construction, property development, investment holdings companies and other service industries.
After a short stint of teaching temporarily in Sekolah Menengah Shah Bandar in Raub, Mr Liu Tian Khiew (Mr Liu) joined a magazine house named The Glasshouse in Kuala Lumpur as an editor and writer after working briefly with a Chinese newspaper advertising department, the Malayan Tong Bao.
After two years, he joined Wings Creative for a 6 months period as a Malay and Chinese copywriter and joined A P Compton for another 6 months. Mr Liu was a Chinese copywriter at Ogilvy & Mather (O&M) for 9 years.
After he left O&M, Mr Liu worked with Lowe Advertising for 6 years and became a freelancer in BBDO before he served as a full-time politician in 2008.
Mr Liu served the Selangor state government as the Exco for Local government for 5 years and then he joined Nirvana Asia and KGSAAS Golf course as an Advisor.
In 2018, Mr Liu returned to politics and was elected as the state assemblyman of dun Sg Pelek for a period of 5 years and he left politics in June 2023.
He has established a good network with local companies over the years.